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Clemens Teufel


Born in Frankfurt/Germany, Clemens Teufel received his first piano lessons at the age of seven. He won First prizes in national youth competitions in both solo and chamber music divisions. After finishing school, he completed his musical education at the Hochschule für Musik “Franz Liszt” in Weimar (founded in1872) with professor Peter Waas. Fascinated by Liszt, Clemens Teufel gave periodical concerts on Liszt’s last instrument in Weimar and wrote a music thesis about the great virtuoso.

Clemens Teufel appeared in orchestra performances as a soloist, with several German youth and student orchestras.

He played for different television programs, such as the German Broadcasting Company „Hessischer Rundfunk“ and the National Japanese Television. Concerts took him to different countries among Europe, from his native Germany, to Spain, France, Switzerland. He performed at several festivals such as the “International Music Festival” in Burgos/Spain, the festival “Holzhauser Musiktage”, “Bayreuther Easter Festival” in Germany, Cité Internationale des Arts Paris Paris/France and others.

He attended master classes with such outstanding artist’s personalities as Lev Natochenny, Paul Badura-Skoda, Gary Graffman, Lazar Berman and Brigitta Fassbaender. From February 2008 until February 2012, Clemens Teufel studied in the world-renowned „Meisterklasse Lev Natochenny” at the „Hochschule für Musik in Frankfurt am Main/Germany.


A devil at the keys

Frankfurter Neue Presse

Entschiedene Farbigkeit und nachdenklich Athmosphäre

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Leidenschaft und Sehnsucht

Grafschafter Nachrichten

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